Pastor and Leadership

Lyn Diekman
Pastor Lyn has many years of ministry experience from working with inner city churches in New York and Chicago, several missions trips to Russia and teaching for local ministries, churches and motivational speaking. He has also served as deacon and elder at past churches. Pastor Lyn has a deep desire to see souls come to Jesus and uses every opportunity he can on a daily basis to reach the lost. He and his wife Ruth have been married for 57 years and currently reside in a suburb of the Twin Cities.
Amy Nikrad
Worship Ministries Director
Amy is a graduate of North Central University with a degree in Church Music. She has been involved with singing groups, worship teams, and directing choirs. She and her husband Brom enjoy leading the CrossFire family in worship each week and actively working behind the scenes to create and plan ideas for church growth with the leadership team. They have been married for 28 years and have two schnauzers, Schatzi and Barney.
Mark & Melissa Resemius
Children & Youth Directors
Mark and Melissa have been key in coordinating the Sunday School and Ignite Youth programs and are also involved in the Technical Ministries Team at CrossFire. They love children and have a passion to help CrossFire’s youth learn about Jesus and how to pursue a strong relationship with Him. They live in the Twin Cities with the youngest of their five children and their three fur-kids (one Labrador and two Great Danes).
Terri Hitt
Church Facilitator
Terri has served in many roles in ministry over the years. She has been involved in leadership teams and worship choir. She has a love for people and enjoys reaching out to those who are new to CrossFire and who are in need.  She plays a key role in many areas of the church to ensure the various ministries have the support they need. Her husband Rick serves on the church board and is involved with worship choir as well. She and Rick reside in the Minneapolis area with their dog, Jack.
Vanessa Aragon
Nursery Coordinator
Bio coming soon!
Diana Monsour
Prayer Coordinator
Diana plays an important role in heading up the prayer ministry at CrossFire. She is an intercessor, and prayer has become her lifeline. She knows God hears and answers prayer according to all of the promises in His Word. She faithfully leads people in prayer every Sunday before the morning service and at night online via Zoom. Diana believes in the power of prayer and her passion is to see others become prayer warriors for such a time as this. Additionally, Diana is a worshipper and loves singing with the worship choir each week. She has been married to her husband Dan for 40 years, has a son and resides in a suburb of the Twin Cities.
Mark Geerdes
Technical Ministries Director
Mark has a BA in Communications with an Emphasis in Television Broadcasting, and a BA in Bible from University of Northwestern – St Paul. He has over three decades of experience with live audio, video, and lighting. He was involved with audio recording, live audio, camera, technical directing, graphics, video and audio duplication, website creation, and video engineering for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Mark has served as an Audio Technician, Graphics Technician, Lead Audio Engineer, Director of Technical Ministries, and Computer and Network Engineer at several churches in the Twin Cities including, Wooddale, Grace Church Richfield, Brooklyn Park Evangelical Free Church, Wayzata Free Church, and Edinbrook Church. Here at CrossFire, he has helped build the Technical Ministries Team,  helps with the networking, shoots and edits videos, built the livestreams, and is on the church board. He and his wife Lisa are actively involved in different ministries within CrossFire and use the giftings God has blessed them with to serve the Lord. They reside a suburb of the Twin Cities with their cat, Jacqui.